by Helaine Z. Harris

Summer has arrived! I keep hearing the refrain in my head, “Summertime, Summertime…” This goes along with the an old saying, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” And it can make you dull and listless, too!

“Oh, but I’m struggling to make money and be okay financially… I just can’t play now,” you might say to yourself. So many of my clients have been feeling that way – and yet the more you worry, the more stressed and anxious you become, and soon enough you find yourself in a vicious cycle of stress and anxiety – hardly a good position to be in.

So how do you break that cycle and really enjoy the summer while honoring what you need? Balance is the key. In my own life I found this is what works best.

Having come from that ‘workaholic” mode, I really understand how that can take over. Yet it’s important to keep in mind that, as a result of high stress, the body increases the production of cortisol (the primary stress hormone) and adrenaline. It is great to have increased levels of cortisol and adrenaline aid you in critical situations by helping you stay focused, alert, and energetic in emergencies or fight-or-flight scenarios; However, a constant state of high stress has an adverse effect on the body, and increases the health risks of high blood pressure, sleeping disorders, and the aging process… and who wants to age faster?

Often the desires of your inner child and the needs of the pragmatic adult come into conflict. I found the best solution is to take time and turn inside to contact the part of you that often really knows what you need in the moment. Whether you choose a form of meditation, visualization or simple breathing techniques. It is a necessary strategy.

Find out what the true you needs right now. Let’s make it really easy for you.
Close your eyes and breathe – in through the nose and out through the mouth.
Imagine breathing in a beautiful light from 5, 10 or 20 feet above your head into the crown
of your head.
Just imagine this beautiful golden light flowing into you and relaxing the muscles, bones
and cells in your body.
Feel that light warm, gentle light from Spirit (Source, Universe, Higher Self, Inner Knowing
or whatever words feel comfortable for you) flowing into your body.
Allow it to move down your body through your neck, shoulders, arms, chest, lower torso,
and legs.
Take your time.
Breathe in light and love. Breathe out stress, worry and tension.
Take in a deep breath and let it go. Feel the quiet.
Move into your heart. Ask your heart and Inner Guides, “What is most important for me to
do today, now?”
Listen. Take the time to listen.
Remember – some people get words, or phrase, others get pictures or symbols, others get sounds, and others get a knowing. The answers come to you according to the easiest way you can take it in.

Then act on the messages you get. I have had several clients who got very detailed information from their guides, but they did not act on it. If you have difficulty hearing or sensing
what your guides are telling you, check out my mp3 on Inner Guidance in the store (We are in the middle of revising it). Or come to a group or class where it is easier to make that contact.

For me, especially when I’m in the middle of a large project, it is easy to get out of balance, yet so necessary to stay balanced.

1. Eat well. If you have numerous parties to go to, balance giving in to some of those delights by healthier eating before and after.
2. Get a good night’s sleep. If it’s hard to fall asleep or sleep well, hypnosis and EFT is great for this.
3. Schedule the time for rest, work, handling finances, and PLAY. Find new, creative ways for you to enjoy play. Do at least one thing new a week. Expand your horizons.

There is a tremendous amount of energy for everything now. It’s up to you to figure out what you will do with it. Most importantly, find out what the true, authentic You wants now in your life, both today as well as in each and every moment. Take time to check in with You. Then the actions you take will allow you to know you’re not alone.

We are all here to help each other. None of us can do it alone. So call a friend, get some help. Call our office. Make contact with others.

Remember – research and Quantum Physics have proved laughter, fun, joy and love help you to heal! It is time to love yourself enough to take better care of you.

Here’s to a wonderful, free, expansive and Joyful Summer!

© Helaine Z. Harris, 2011
Helaine Z. Harris, MA MFT
An Awakening Center