Stress Or Truth workshops with Linda Brewer, Board Certified Holistic Alternative Psychology Master
Spartanburg, SC

Learn and Experience the 3 causes of your Stress and your 9 choices of Truth to eliminate your stress, depression, and fears which will enable your body to heal itself through turning your defensive cells into healthy growth cells. Check website for details.

Book a 15 minute complimentary appointment!

Linda’s entrepreneurial career has included business management, accounting, sales and marketing, and facilitation for organizational and personal growth. She has created two successful start-up companies including her own company, LSG, inc. and Crowns Now. Her organization serves other well-known companies including Milliken, Volvo, BMW, DS2, AgFirst and Johnson Communications.

Accreditations are:
Board Certified Holistic Alternative Psychology Master
Certified Healing Codes Practitioner and Q Codes Practitioner
Young Living Essential Oils, Levels I and II for emotional healing Facilitator
Chartered Faculty Member of The Hendricks Institute Living University
Breathing Center Transformation, The Hendricks Institute
Mastery of Conscious Language, Mastery Systems
McGrane Self-Esteem Institute:
Psycholinguistics; Neuro-Linguistic Programming; The Art of Asking Questions
Workplace Mediation Consultant, Meditation Works
Pre-Cognitive Re-Education Facilitator
Theophostic Basic and Advanced Ministry
Master Communication; Christian Counselor New Hope
Dream Coach, Dr. Bruce Wilkinson
Minister of World Christianship Ministries
The Focusing Institute
Jay Abraham Master Marketing
Teleleader Trainer
Former Chair, Vistage International

Founder of Bonsai Leadership- one’s destiny is created by their belief system which creates a thought, from the thought a word is spoken or an action is taken, a habit is created, the habit becomes our character our character our destiny. Thus we are the architect of our lives. Come with your heart’s issue(s); leave trusting your own heart and spirit.