In this blog area you will find a variety of different types of Foods & Herb posts. We try to give information as we learn of it, and hope that it will help you on your journey to staying healthy. To see our posts broken down by category, Click Here

Fennel helps stimulate digestive and gastric juices, while reducing inflammation of the stomach and intestines, thereby helping with indigestion, flatulence, constipation, colic, and diarrhea

Fennel contains powerful antioxidants and is a very good source of fiber, folate, potassium and Vitamin C.  Fennel helps stimulate digestive and gastric juices, ...

Grapefruit is an excellent intestinal and liver detoxifier.

Grapefruit has pectin fiber that binds to cholesterol to cleanse the blood and binds to heavy metals to detoxify the body.  It also has ...

Fennel helps stimulate digestive and gastric juices

Fennel contains powerful antioxidants and is a very good source of fiber, folate, potassium and Vitamin C.  Fennel helps stimulate digestive and gastric juices, ...

For centuries, Citrus Peels have been used to fight infections

For centuries, Citrus Peels have been used to fight infections and other conditions.  Their antibiotic properties are very powerful.   3 main ways to make ...

Onions contain sulfur compounds that help your liver detoxify, particularly the fat soluble toxins.

Onions contain sulfur compounds that help your liver detoxify, particularly the fat soluble toxins. They are also high in antioxidants, vitamins, folic acid and ...

Studies have shown that eating nuts can help fight cancer,

Studies have shown that eating nuts can help fight cancer, fight diabetes, prevent gallstones, improve sleep, improve cognitive function, improve bone health, and improve ...

Holistic practitioners consider honey to be one of nature’s best all-around remedies.

Honey is a super healing food. It is loaded with antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.  Honey has the ability to soothe coughs, reduce seasonal ...

Tomatoes make a great natural and easy facial treatment

Tomatoes make a great natural and easy facial treatment. Cut tomato into slices.  Rub the slices into your skin.  Leave on for 15 minutes ...

Onions contain sulfur compounds that help your liver detoxify

Onions contain sulfur compounds that help your liver detoxify, particularly the fat soluble toxins. They are also high in antioxidants, vitamins, folic acid and ...

Artichokes help the liver to remove toxins from the body

Artichokes help the liver to remove toxins from the body. Most people’s favorite part of the artichoke is the heart, but the leaves are ...

Propolis is one of the most powerful antibiotics found in nature

Propolis is a resinous mixture that bees collect from tree buds. It is one of the most powerful antibiotics found in nature with many ...

Good sources of natural fiber for your diet include

Good sources of natural fiber for your diet include pears, apples, oat bran, vegetables and legumes.  Eating more fiber helps the body to detoxify ...

To combat cataracts and cloudy vision think yellow, orange and green.

To combat cataracts and cloudy vision think yellow, orange and green.  The herb Turmeric helps protect against the formation of cataracts.  Yellow and orange ...

Cabbage contains anticancer and antioxidant compounds.

Cabbage contains anticancer and antioxidant compounds. Cabbage also cleanses the digestive tract and neutralizes damaging compounds. It also strengthens the liver’s ability to detoxify ...

Magnesium helps keep bones strong and blood pressure normal

Magnesium helps keep bones strong, blood pressure normal, and improves muscle function. It also prevents osteoporosis, insomnia, heart attacks, hypertension, constipation, kidney stones, and ...

Eating pumpkin is good for your eyes and also helps the digestive system

Pumpkins are a great source of antioxidants like beta-carotene which improves vision and helps prevent macular degeneration. Eating pumpkin also helps the digestive system, is ...

Cayenne Pepper has been shown to help with digestion, circulation and blood flow.

Cayenne Pepper has been shown to help with digestion, circulation and blood flow. Cayenne is one of the most useful and valuable herbs in ...

White willow bark herb has benefits similar to aspirin

White willow bark herb has benefits similar to aspirin, reducing pain and inflammation, but without the potential irritation to the stomach.  It also has ...

The herb Gotu kola has been found to boost circulation and has had significant results in healing of skin

The herb Gotu kola has been found to boost circulation and has had significant results in healing of skin and other connective tissue.  Gotu ...

Bilberry herb is often used to help the eyes combat vision problems

Bilberry herb is a powerful antioxidant and is most often used to help the eyes combat night blindness, cataracts and other vision problems.  Bilberry ...

Witch Hazel has healing properties for the skin

Witch Hazel is an astringent produced from the leaves and bark of the Witch Hazel shrub. It has healing properties that include healing cuts ...

The herb Goldenseal is a favorite herb among naturopaths and herbalists.

The herb Goldenseal is a favorite herb among naturopaths and herbalists.  It is used for digestive tract infections, urinary tract infections, and diarrhea. It ...

Fruit should always be eaten first thing in the morning or before other meals

Fruit should always be eaten first thing in the morning or before other meals, because it digests faster than other foods.  If you eat ...

fruits- especially berries of all types- decrease the risk of dementia

Recent studies have found that fruit in general, and especially berries of all types- decrease the risk of dementia and the risk of Alzheimer’s ...

Essential oils that help with muscular aches and pains include peppermint

Essential oils that help with muscular aches and pains include peppermint, rosemary, bay, clove, eucalyptus, sweet marjoram and ginger.  All of these oils have ...

Dark chocolate and raw cocoa powder are powerful superfoods

Dark chocolate and raw cocoa powder are powerful superfoods with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  It also has a biochemical effect that reduces the clumping ...

The herb Elderberry can help

The herb Elderberry can help to combat flu viruses by preventing the flu virus from attacking the body’s cells.  It strengthens the immune system.  ...

Herbs that help combat varicose veins include

Herbs that you can eat to help combat varicose veins include Horse Chestnut, Butcher’s Broom and Gotu Kola. Applied on the skin- Witch Hazel ...

Top herbs and spices that can help combat and prevent type 2 Diabetes include

Top herbs and spices that can help combat and prevent type 2 Diabetes include:  Cinnamon, Turmeric, Ginger, Cumin, Garlic and Basil ...

Beets are good for cardiovascular health

Beets are highly nutritious and good for cardiovascular health. They offer protection against coronary artery disease and stroke, and lower cholesterol levels in the ...