PSYCH-K provides a user-friendly way to rewrite the “software” of your mind by changing beliefs that sabotage you into beliefs that support you…quickly and easily. PSYCH-K helps you communicate directly with both the conscious and the subconscious minds. Most beliefs change in a matter of minutes through the process of balancing the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Changing subconscious beliefs that may be sabotaging well-intentioned actions is similar to reprogramming a personal computer. Using PSYCH-K techniques, a kind of “mental keyboard” to your own brain, you can increase “cross talk” between the two brain hemispheres, thereby achieving a more “whole-brained” state, which is ideal for changing subconscious beliefs.

In addition, when right and left hemispheres of the brain are in simultaneous communication, the qualities and characteristics of both hemispheres are available to maximize your full response potential to life’s challenges. PSYCH-K is a unique way to identify and change subconscious beliefs that perpetuate old habits and behaviors that you would like to change. It is a simple, yet effective, process that helps you communicate with your subconscious mind so you can change beliefs that sabotage your self-esteem, relationships, career and even your physical health. Your life is a reflection of your beliefs. These beliefs – usually subconscious – are the cumulative effect of life-long “programming.” As a result of past negative programming, we sometimes think and behave in self-defeating ways.

When you rewrite the “software” of your mind, you change the “printout” of your life. PSYCH-K therapy is a unique process, with a blend of various tools for change, some contemporary and some ancient. Like many innovations in the world, PSYCH-K was the result of a “blinding flash of the obvious” generated by years of research and thousands of sessions with individuals and groups.