[ This remarkable success report came in by phone in early 2014. ]

Mr. H was diagnosed with a very rare type of cancer called “Urachal Cancer and Peritonneal Carcinomatosis.” He was only the 12th case of this type of malignancy that his doctor at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston had ever treated.

Mr. H and his wife moved to Houston to be close to MDA for treatment for 3 years. Surgery was not recommended, nor was radiation, and the oncologists gave him a 2% chance of survival. Mr. H didn’t seem too bothered by that and the doctor thought he didn’t understand. But Mr. H’s upbeat answer was, “Yes, I understand. But with God’s 98% and MDA’s 2% – that makes 100%. I’m still a believer and I’m gonna keep fighting.”

So they put Mr. H through lots of chemo and experimental clinical trials. Unfortunately, none of this stopped the cancer and Mr. H kept going downhill. Both Mr. H and his wife say MDA treated them great and they would recommend this facility to anyone fighting cancer. But after 3 years of the best treatments MDA could offer, Mr. H was finally told he had only days, maybe weeks to live because of a heart condition and a partial blockage in his intestines. The doctors were at this point, just trying to stabilize him enough so that he could go home to die. Mr. H was only 65 years old at this point.

As Mrs. H tells the story, “The Lord intervened.” She relates how her husband’s niece came across the book Outsmart Your Cancer and Mrs. H says, “That was the beginning of new hope.”

First, her husband tried Essiac Tea as discussed in the book, and that kept him alive for about 1 1/2 months. This alone was a victory. But it was a lot of trouble to brew the tea, so he decided to switch to Protocel Formula 50. He took just 1/4 teaspoonful of the formula in water every 6 hours, every day. After just a couple weeks, he started feeling energy again.

Mr. H is now 67 years old. He has not been back for any checkups since he was sent home 2 years ago with only days to live. He just keeps taking Protocel and living his life in faith. Mr. H. says, “Protocel worked for me and I recommend it to anyone.”

Mrs. H finishes commenting on her husband’s amazing recovery by saying: “The staff at MDA called a year ago and asked what my husband’s status was.” She answered, “Well, his status is that he’s outside mowing the lawn!” They called again this past month – on his 2 year anniversary since coming home on Hospice. They again were shocked to hear that he was “STILL ALIVE AND DOING WELL.”

Because of God, him leading us to the book, “Outsmart Your Cancer”, and Protocel, we truly are living a miracle!!

This and more stories can be found at OutsmartYourCancer.com