Wildly Alive – Shamanic & Living Energy Healing Blog and Newsletter

Receive ancient earth-based and cosmic wisdom teachings, energy healing practices and late night wonderments that invite you to deepen your relationship with your inner world and with all of the support you have available to you.

My name is Sarah and I am certified, trained and initiated as a shamanic practitioner and living energy healer into the lineage of the Q’ero medicine men and women in the high Andes of Peru, descendants of the Inka.

I teach people how to become their own healers. I will help you to create space in your life and to find the fullness of freedom and joy in each moment as you shed the layers of conditioning that are not in alignment with who you truly are.

Through your own direct experience you will learn to perceive, shift and move energy in whatever parts of your life you want to transform. I will be your guide as you reconnect to your innate wisdom, reactivate your senses, step deeply onto your soul's path, walk the beauty way and become Wildly Alive!