Mind, Speech and Body and the System of Reiki by Kathleen PrasadShingon Buddhist and Mikkyo practices teach that the ancient wisdom of the Mind, Speech and Body (also known as The Three Secrets) are present everywhere and in all things. It is said that these secrets allow us to uncover our true nature–one that exists both within ourselves and the entire universe. Practitioners use mudras, mantras and visualizations to purify and harmonize The Three Secrets.


Similar teachings are present in Japanese martial arts training, where the warrior was to learn how to recognize these “Three Keys”–Mind, Speech, Body–as the three fundamental ways of being in the world. Learning to harmonize and unify them would allow the practitioner to attain not only martial power, but also power over all aspects of one’s own life.


Tibetan Buddhism calls them The Three Vajras. Practitioners work with seed syllables corresponding to the Three Vajras: a white om (enlightened body), a red ah (enlightened speech) and a blue hum (enlightened mind) to experience their own Buddha nature. In the Christian bible, the book of Proverbs says, Chapter 16:23-24, “From a wise mind comes wise speech; the words of the wise are persuasive. Kind words are like honey — sweet to the soul and healthy for the body.”

In Hinduism, the Bhagavad Gita calls them The Three Eternal Values; austerity of body, speech and mind is the way to manifest goodness for oneself and the world.

In a recent class with my teacher, Frans Stiene, he introduced this concept of “Mind, Speech, Body” using the Japanese term “Sanmitsu.” I find it so interesting, the ways different traditions have made use of this ancient and apparently universal wisdom, and I’d like to share with you some of my own thoughts about how Sanmitsu relates to Reiki practice.

Sanmitsu and Reiki 

Sanmitsu and the Reiki Precepts:

The thoughts we focus on, the words we speak to others, and actions we make in this world: each of these causes energetic ripples out into the universe. The ideal would be that all of these are in harmony and alignment with each other. All are forever linked; our actions reflect our words, which in turn reflect our thoughts. Reiki, the “energy of spirit” is hard to define, we can’t see it with our physical eyes, describe it fully in words. It is so beyond words, yet it is so powerful in its physical effects on our clients and students. We see it in their speech and in the physical/mental/spiritual healing that is manifested. In the same way it would be impossible to “see” a thought, measure it, or even fully explain what it is. Yet our thoughts are so powerful, and indeed all our speech and action in this external world (undeniably and physically heard and seen) originates there. When we go deeper than the physical, we begin to see the power in the unseen, and our universe (as well as our inner nature) expands and opens and becomes free.

We have a choice of how to “be” in this world. For me, positivity is key–for today only we should not anger and not worry. Open to the possibility of visualizing harmony and healing, allowing ourselves to have faith in this possibility and believe it with our whole heart. The words we speak and actions we take should be steps in this same positive direction. 

For me, this is how to be true to your way and your being: by aligning thought, word and deed in a way that is compassionate to yourself and also to others.

Sanmitsu and Being the Best Reiki Practitioners and Teachers We Can Be:

Focus your thoughts: Your passion for your Reiki practice or Reiki teaching is a spiritual path for uncovering your own true nature.

Allow yourself to “see” it as perfectly in balance and harmony. Just the thought of this will shift the energy towards healing. Speak your truth: Bring it physically into the world, speaking about your contemplative insights and direct experience with Reiki with your clients and students. Words from the heart will inspire others on the path.

Do your practice: Let go of the thoughts and words to just “be” in that indefinable, beautiful healing space every single day. In this way we uncover our true nature and “bright light” and we allow it to manifest in the world.

Kathleen Prasad is a Shinpiden Reiki Level III graduate of the International House of Reiki and founder of AnimalReikiSource.

by Kathleen Prasad
