by Joan Angarano 

In physics, critical mass is achieved when the electron particle frequency of any given thing reaches 51%. From there all other particles, the other 49%, are instantly absorbed into the new frequency.

The frequency shift literally becomes unstoppable.

This is true of all living things.

I can’t tell you how many times people have told me how hard they tried to change something and were unsuccessful. They had given it every thing they had and still did not succeed to create the change they were looking to.

They often tell me, not only did things not change for the better, they got even worse. Here’s the problem: Just before critical mass is reached, the dynamic one is seeking to change almost always seems to be worse. In truth, it’s merely an inaccurate perception coming from the surfacing of unconscious imprints needing to be released so that the change we seek can be realized.

Too often we give up just before the change is guaranteed. We feel doom and gloom, and so believe that our efforts were not enough or appropriate or whatever. And we stop our forwardly moving efforts, allowing that backward movement we are all too familiar with to gain momentum.

How many of you have gone through an illness using natural therapies? 

Actually, even if you have employed allopathic resources for an illness, you can relate to having felt worse just before you start feeling better, right? It’s the same way with creating the life we want. Raising our consciousness, changing the way we think, feel and behave requires a critical mass for the change to be manifested.

Don’t stop – especially when you feel worse, or things look worse than when you started making and wanting changes in your life.

Trust that you are close to critical mass – that 51% change that will guarantee the change throughout the remaining 49%.

And – if you are unclear about whether or not you are truly close to the 51% that will change everything; or feel confused as to the next step towards critical mass, a phone consultation with me will help clarify things.

Email or call (914)815-0593, and set up an appointment with me.

I look forward to supporting you in your efforts to create the life you were meant to live.

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