By Jonathan Parker

The mirror universe is perhaps the most important and profound understanding you can have about life, because it affects literally every experience you have. It takes everything you try to externalize and says there is nothing external. When you finally realize that the universe is a perfect mirror, reflecting back to you precisely and exactly what you have been holding in consciousness at the deepest levels, your life will change. The Cosmic Mirror 

Most people experience the majority of their thoughts and feelings in response to what they are experiencing in their life. For instance, there are bills to pay, meetings to attend, problems to solve and some things not going the way one would want. When those are the kinds of things that occupy a person’s mind rather than being focused on what that person does want, the universe reflects back to that person what they projected with their thoughts and feelings at both a conscious and subconscious level.

What turns out to be your mirrors are your friends, relatives, family, work, talents, situations, possessions, capabilities, opportunities, and everything else in your life. If you want to know what you believe, simply look at your life-It is a perfect reflection of what beliefs you hold at a very deep level.

Here Comes Karma

Everyone has heard the proverb, “You reap what you sow, but most people apply this to circumstances that usually have a negative consequence, like, “He wasted his life on gambling and alcohol and now he is reaping what he sowed.” But it has a far broader meaning than people know or want to admit. It is so broad, as a matter of fact, that if people really thought about it they might find the implications frightening, and yet, on the other hand, it is also a key to unlocking everything you could ever want.

In a nutshell here is the key to life, the universe is a perfect mirror reflecting back to you precisely and exactly what you have been holding at the deepest levels of your consciousness. That sounds so simple, but I don’t think most people ever think about it, or live their lives as if it were true. The very nature of the universe is that it has to give you what you ask for. This is why people of all faiths praying to God by different names still works. If a call goes out with faith, belief, and knowing that there is a God who will answer, the sincerity, belief and conviction of the intention causes the universe to respond. This is the way everything has been set up. It is the perfect system of justice.

So the reason people often don’t have or get what they consciously want is because they have counter programs running deeply within them that put out the opposite intention into the universe. The forces of our feelings and beliefs from the past create the currents that orchestrate circumstances in our life today. This is essentially one of the ways karma works. Whatever we have energized in the past will manifest in our present and future unless we do something to change it.

A Key to Mindfulness & Change

When you finally realize that the universe is a perfect mirror, reflecting back to you precisely and exactly what you have been holding in consciousness at the deepest levels, your life will change. For one thing if you really pursue what this means you will do a deep soul searching, and begin to see how you have created your reality and how to create other realities.

Being aware of the mirror universe also causes you to become much more mindful through the day because you will find you are in the process of creation all the time. This is perhaps the most important and profound understanding you can have about life, because it affects literally every experience you have.

This understanding reduces everything down to a very basic process that is phenomenal. If something in your life is not working you don’t have to waste your time looking outside of yourself for the cause, because it isn’t there. You just look inside and even if you don’t know what the cause is, as long as you get in touch with the feeling it creates you can clear the cause. This is most profound in it’s simplicity.

The Problem

Here’s the first part of the problem. No one likes admitting they are the cause of their own miserable circumstances, so outside causes are always found, or sometimes a person will say we are all responsible for what happened. This is not exactly true. You are totally and completely the source of everything that you experience. I don’t say that to make you feel badly; quite the contrary. I say that so you will realize that since you are the sole source of your life experience you can create your life the way you want it. Can you see who there is tremendous power in this knowledge?

The place to start is by acknowledging that the first part of the problem with accepting the idea of the mirror universe is that you don’t want to believe it.

A True Story

Let me tell you a true story as just one example. A person was having all sorts of trouble with her car. The first problem was that the battery kept going dead and the car was taken into the shop several times but they couldn’t find the problem. Sometimes the battery would go dead and sometimes it wouldn’t. The second problem with this car was that it would stall on occasion. Again, the shop could not find the source of the problem. The third problem was that the ignition would screech when the car was started. This all happened over a period of several weeks and numerous trips to the shop to have the car looked at. None of the problems were able to be resolved.

This person being a conscious person decided to sit down and do some introspection to find out what was being reflected to them through their car troubles. What she discovered was that all 3 car problems related to personal struggles she was going through, and she concluded that her soul, God, or nature was trying to get a message through to her in the most vivid manner possible.

She realized that what was happening on the outside was a reflection of what was happening inside of her. Here is how she analyzed the situation:

1. The battery died before its time. The battery was only 2 years old. She realized she hadn’t charged her goals with enough energy within herself to succeed.

2. The engine would turn over and then stall or die. In her personal life she couldn’t get past the first spark of inspiration to make her ideas get going.

3. The engine would screech when the ignition was attempted. She interpreted this as the engine expressing its outrage toward her because a part of it’s own make-up was in need of repair and she was screaming her outrage at needing her own internal repair.

Now, I know you can say she was creating a myth or story