by Joan Angarano

What creates a shadow is something or someone that stands between a reflecting object and the Light source. That something or someone can be in front of the Light in any of the Subtle Bodies, or dimensions of one’s Beingness. This is the basic component for understanding the creation of what many call the Shadow Body.

Using the PROTECTION and DISCERNMENT exercises presently available FREE for signing onto Lifestreams Healing’s site, you can also discover the origins, or causal factors of your Shadow Body.

Practice the exercises found in these downloads until you are comfortable with both of them. Then use them in the following manner:

After protecting yourself, which is really just separating out from the shadows cast by others, use your cultivated discernment to:

Ask your Higher Self and Spirit Family which aspect of Self is appropriate to work with in this present moment – mental, spiritual, physical or emotional. You can also request to work with a particular dynamic in your Life that you are aware of having difficulty resolving. Or perhaps you are aware of the dimensional location of the shadow’s source and you can just ask to connect your consciousness into that dimension.

Connect with your Higher Self and Spirit Family in faith and trust that you are supported and guided through this exercise, and that your intention will create the desired outcome.

Make a strong connection with God/Source, and the Spirits and Beings of Light and Sound who hold Unity Consciousness and the Law of One in the highest order. Speak your intention: To know the source of shadow upon your Light, and to remove that source from your Light.

When you experience an OBJECTIVE view of yourself, which may take practice or can happen instantaneously, look or intend to know the shadow’s source. Do not judge what happens nor fear it in any way, just allow either a visual or a sensory representation of the shadow’s source to be known by you.

With love and compassion, yet firmly , command that the shadow IS released from your field of Light, returned to its source field for clarity, transformation and transmutation, in the name of the Christ ( this is not a religious figure, but a frequency field creator). Fill yourself with gratitude for God/Source, your Higher Self, the Spirits and Beings of Light and Sound who hold Unity Consciousness and the Law of One in the highest order, and for the shadow being removed from your Light. Bring unconditional Love and Compassion into your energy matrix as well.

Declare your intention to stand completely in the Light, without shadow as you express this Love and Gratitude. See, Feel or Imagine yourself in the Light, and only the Light. You can certainly create your own shadow releasement if you wish. The important keys here are: Aligning with God/Source and all Deities and Frequencies supporting your intention; declaring the intention for the releasement; expressing gratitude to those who are helping you manifest your intention; and to do so with love and compassion.

Sometimes, after a clearing such as this, one can experience a state of sadness. There are many reasons for this which I am not going into today. It is important not to dwell on this emotional state. Just call in unconditional love for yourself and be gentle with yourself for a day or two.

If you would like my support or guidance with this, you can call (914) 815-0593 or email and schedule a private consultation with me. It will be my honor to be a part of your journey.

PS – Here are a couple of decrees you can use:
I am guided and supported by the God light within me, continually coming to me and through me at all times.

I am one with the Source of All Light, and grateful to those and that which illuminates my entire beingness now. I am the light of the one Source of all things, made manifest in this time of now.

Many Blessings,

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