In this blog area you will find a variety of different types of posts on Body, Mind and Spirit. We try to give information as we learn of it, and hope that it will help you on your journey to staying healthy. To see our posts broken down by category, Click Here

Akashic Records are the Records of a Soul

The Akashic Records are a concept rooted in various spiritual and metaphysical traditions. It is believed to be a universal archive or library that ...

Law of Attraction – “What Is” vs. “What You Want”

“What Is” vs. “What You Want” is a classic example of using the Law of Attraction.  After all, we know that like energy attracts ...

A Medium is a person who is able to communicate with the spirit world

A Medium is a person who is able to communicate with those who have crossed over into the spirit world. They may be able ...

Addiction Treatments can involve holistic therapies

Addiction Treatments can involve holistic therapies that help release and heal on mental, physical and emotional levels. An addiction is a persistent, compulsive dependence ...

Have you visited our Library section lately? We are always adding to it

Have you visited our Library section lately?  We are always adding Articles, YouTube videos, Blogs and Newsletters.  There is a lot of great information ...

Hypnotherapy can be used to help with weight loss, pain, anxiety…

Hypnotherapy can be used to help with weight loss, smoking, pain, anxiety, stress, phobias and more.  Hypnosis involves a state of focused relaxation, when ...

A Medium is a person who is able to communicate with the spirit world

A Medium is a person who is able to communicate with those who have crossed over into the spirit world. They may be able ...

People come into your life for a reason

People come into your life for a reason – to help you with your soul lessons, or help you grow in some way, or ...

Thoughts have energy. Focus on your desired outcome.

Thoughts have energy.  The trick is to focus your thoughts on what your desired outcome is, rather than on what you are trying to ...

Whatever you focus on grows in your life, so focus on the good

Whatever you focus on grows in your life, so focus your thoughts on your strengths and not upon any perceived weaknesses. Even if your ...

Everyone has had some psychic experiences

Everyone has had some psychic experiences in their lives.  To enhance your psychic senses, practice using your intuition as much as possible. Practicing and ...

In Shamanic Healing, animal totems assist the practitioner in helping the client discover their innate powers, energies and abilities.

In Shamanic Healing, animal totems assist the practitioner in helping the client discover their innate powers, energies and abilities. Learning about one’s totem animals ...

Metaphysics is concerned with explaining the features of reality that exist beyond the physical world and our immediate senses

Metaphysics is concerned with explaining the features of reality that exist beyond the physical world and our immediate senses. It is the science which ...

Learning about Wolf Spirit Totems

Wolf totem- if you have a wolf in your shamanic animal totem you may notice you have strong intuition and are good at reading ...

NLP consists of a set of powerful techniques for rapid and effective behavioral modification

Neuro-Linguistic Programming – NLP consists of a set of powerful techniques for rapid and effective behavioral modification. There are patterns for effecting lasting change ...

Flower essences are a larger category of products

Flower essences are a larger category of products that now can include other types of healing essences.  Flower essences are now available in the ...

To increase your intuition, take your time and slow your mind down

To increase your intuition, take your time and slow your mind down.  Do not force the answer either by forcing a particular outcome, or ...

Chronic diseases in general are often caused by

Chronic diseases in general are often caused by fear of change, or fear of the future, or general fear of not feeling safe in ...

When your body is in a relaxed state – your body’s natural self-repair mechanisms can be activated.

When your body is in a relaxed state – your body’s natural self-repair mechanisms can be activated.  When you concentrate on being optimistic, joyful, ...

Past Life Regression

Past Life Regression operates on the assumption that many physical, mental, and emotional issues can be extensions of unresolved problems from previous lifetimes. This ...

Every person has challenges and lessons for growth of their soul

Every person has lessons and issues that are unique to them and the growth of their soul. When trying to overcome a challenge, concentrate ...

When a difficult or painful event happens

When a difficult or painful event happens, take time to notice what it makes possible that otherwise would not be appearing in your life.  ...

Theta Healing can help clear and transform subconscious issues

Theta Healing uses the Theta brain wave and can help clear and transform subconscious issues, physical imbalances, and limiting beliefs.  This therapy is helpful ...

Learn a new healing technique for yourself or to help a loved one

Learn a new healing technique for yourself or to help a loved one. Practitioners and clinics in your area offer all types of workshops ...

The Crown Chakra is located on the top of the head

The Crown Chakra is located on the top of the head and is associated with higher planes of consciousness, knowledge and enlightenment. It is ...

The Third Eye Chakra is located at the center of the forehead

The Third Eye Chakra is located at the center of the forehead and is associated with intuition, clairvoyance, insight and imagination. This chakra is ...

Whatever you focus on grows in your life, so focus your thoughts on your strengths

Whatever you focus on grows in your life, so focus your thoughts on your strengths and not upon any perceived weaknesses. Even if your ...

Every person has lessons and issues that are unique to them and the growth of their soul

When trying to overcome a health or emotional issue, concentrate on the opportunity to learn, the process, and the growth of your soul. Every ...

Colors affect moods, emotions, physiological processes

Colors affect moods, emotions, physiological processes. Each organ and chakra point has its own characteristic vibrational energy, and disorders can be healed by applying ...

Akashic Records are the individual records of a soul

Akashic Records are the individual records of a soul and assist the person in understanding the lessons and challenges in their lifetime. The Akashic ...
