In this blog area you will find a variety of different types of Foods & Herb posts. We try to give information as we learn of it, and hope that it will help you on your journey to staying healthy. To see our posts broken down by category, Click Here


Catnip is not just for cats. Catnip herb is useful for humans as a digestive aid, relieving menstrual cramps, and as a mild sedative ...

Herbs that help combat varicose veins

Herbs that help combat varicose veins include Horse Chestnut, Butcher’s Broom and Gotu Kola. Witch Hazel can be used topically on the skin to ...

To get more lycopene out a tomato

To get more lycopene out a tomato or tomato sauce, cook it in a bit of oil. It will help you absorb almost 10 ...


Beets are highly nutritious and good for cardiovascular health. They offer protection against coronary artery disease and stroke, and lower cholesterol levels in the ...


Papaya acts as a natural antacid. The fruit also contains papain, an enzyme the helps digest proteins. Eaten raw, juiced or dried, papaya slices ...


Walnuts can help lower cholesterol by up to 50%. They contain a powerful nutrient that fights plaque in the arteries. Studies have shown that ...

remove pesticides

Baking soda or white vinegar can be used to naturally remove pesticides from fruits and vegetables ...

Kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruits help protect the cell DNA from oxidant-related damage and mutation. They also help with cardiovascular health, eye problems and cancer. They are ...


Seaweed is full of minerals and trace minerals. It also helps detoxify the body by binding to radioactive waste and heavy metals to help ...

Peppermint herb

Peppermint herb it has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiseptic properties. The scent also enhances mental energy, physical energy and memory. To find practitioners, classes or ...


Legumes are high in fiber which helps lower cholesterol, cleanses the intestines, and regulates blood sugar levels. To find books, classes or a practitioner ...


Lemons help detoxify the liver. They also contain high amounts of vitamin C. Use fresh lemon juice for health benefits. To find books on ...

Apples can increase life expectancy

Apples are high in fiber, help lower cholesterol, and help protect against heart disease. The peel also has high fiber and antioxidants. It is ...

Apples are high in pectin

Apples are high in pectin, a type of fiber that binds to cholesterol and heavy metals in the body, apples help eliminate toxic build ...


Garlic cleanses harmful bacteria, intestinal parasites and viruses from the blood and intestines. It also has anti-cancer and antioxidant properties. Garlic also assists with ...


Fruit should always be eaten first thing in the morning or before other meals, because it digests faster than other foods. If you eat ...

Celery and celery seeds

Celery and celery seeds are excellent blood cleansers and contain anti-cancer compounds that help detoxify cancer cells from the body. Celery seeds also contain ...


Grapefruit has pectin fiber that binds to cholesterol to cleanse the blood and binds to heavy metals to detoxify the body. It also has ...


Onions contain sulfur compounds that help your liver detoxify, particularly the fat soluble toxins. They are also high in antioxidants, vitamins, folic acid and ...


Avocados lower cholesterol and dilate blood vessels. Avocados contain a nutrient called glutathione, which blocks carcinogens while helping the liver detoxify synthetic chemicals ...

natural fiber

Good sources of natural fiber for your diet include pears, apples, oat bran, vegetables and legumes. Eating more fiber helps the body to detoxify ...

Gotu Kola herb

The herb Gotu kola has been found to boost circulation and has had significant results in healing of skin and other connective tissue. Gotu ...

Cayenne Pepper

Cayenne Pepper has been shown to help with digestion, circulation and blood flow. Cayenne is one of the most useful and valuable herbs in ...


The spice turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties and helps with arthritis and headache pain. It also fights stomach ulcers and parasites. It is one of ...
